What are the Ideal Temperatures for Betta Fish? A Complete Guide To Heating Your Bettas Tank


The Betta fish, scientifically known as Betta splendens, holds a special place in the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. They thrive in the warm, stagnant waters of rice paddies, ponds, and slow-moving streams of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. They have become a popular choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists due to their iridescent … Read more

Fish Care and Feeding During Holidays and Vacations

Going on vacation is a great way to relax and recharge, but it can be difficult to leave your beloved fish behind. One of the biggest concerns for fish owners is how to feed their fish while they are away. Don’t worry! While you are away, there are some easy and reliable ways to make … Read more

Betta Fish Behavior Before Death: 13 Common Behaviors

Betta Fish Behavior Before Death

Betta fish are popular and attractive pets kept in tanks. Their vibrant colors enhance the tank’s beauty. Proper care is essential to observe any unusual betta fish dying behavior to keep them healthy and prolong their lifespan, as factors such as water quality, diet, disease susceptibility, and tankmates influence their longevity. Typically, pet Betta fish … Read more

15 Betta Fish Fun Facts and Tips You’ll Love to Share 

betta fish facts

Freshwater species such as betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are popular among aquarium owners. The vivid colors and swishing fins of these fish have captured the attention of fish lovers everywhere. The good news is that bettas require little maintenance, making them a desirable option for novice aquarists. Bettas are tough, but they still … Read more